How to customize your AI assistant?

Configure the AI chatbot with prompts and enable the more capabilities.

Ridhu Pharan

Last Update één maand geleden

1. From the 'Knowledge' page, choose 'AI assistant instructions'.

2. Enable the necessary capabilities of AI assistant. You can enable capabilities such as

  • Recommend products
  • Recommend bundles
  • Filter products by price
  • Get order status
  • Display quick reply options
  • Photo search (available for enterprise plan)

3. Add custom ChatGPT instructions to your AI chat assistant to enhance the tone, style, and more.

Note: Update the instructions only if you are familiar with writing ChatGPT prompts. Reach out to our support team for help!

In the text box given below, you can add your custom instructions to train your AI chatbot and click 'Save'

For more information, contact our support team!

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