How to customize the Toggle Launcher?
Ridhu Pharan
Last Update 3 เดือนที่แล้ว
Customize the Toggle launcher's visibility position, icon style, nudge style and more.
1. From the appearance page, choose 'Floating Launcher'
2. From this page, you can choose to show or hide the floating launcher on your page.
Next, you can control the position of the floating launcher on your store.
3. To do this, click on 'Go to theme editor'
You will then be redirected to the 'Theme Editor' page. For example, let's add the 'Toggle Launcher' on the header section.
4. From the header section on the left, click 'Add block'.
5. From the AskTimmy app block, select 'Toggle launcher' and click 'Save'.
6. Now visit the store and you will see the Toggle launcher visible on the header.
Customers can open the AI chat assistant with a single click on the Toggle launcher.
Similarly, you can adjust the position of the launcher on any page using the HTML selectors. Contact our support team for more customizations.
7. You can customize the launcher's icon style and do more personalization based your needs.
For more support, contact our support team.